Ratna Candra Dewi1
Abstract: The iron deficiency anaemia is still main nutrition problem, especially
among pregnant woman. The prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia is still high,
where in urban were 37,5% and in rural were 42,1% (Surkesnas, 2001). The several
effect of anaemia in pregnant woman are maternal mortality, infant mortality, and
low birth weight. Maternal mortality per 100.000 of life birth were 343 (SDKI, 1997)
and incidency rate of low birth weight were 11% - 14% (SKRT, 1999). This study
purposed to give the solution in anaemia and zinc deficiency on pregnant woman
that effect to Hb level with TTD supplementation always extended for pregnant
woman in program, zinc, and vitamin A. This research was an experimental study
with pretest-posttest control group design and double blind method. This study was
aimed to investigate the influence of TTD, zinc, and vitamin A supplementation for
two month on the increase of Hb level. The samples were took from anaemia
pregnant woman sub population with begin the gestation from 30-31 weeks, not
suffered deseases, and Hb level of < 11 g%. The samples consist of 30 subject,
taken by the use of simple random sampling and the samples were divided into
three group using random allocation technique. 10 samples were control group that
recieved TTD supplementation, 10 samples were treatment group 1 that received
TTD and zinc supplementation, and 10 samples were treatment group 2 that
received TTD, zinc, and vitamin A supplementation. TTD and zinc were alternate
consumed, which zinc consumed after breakfast and TTD consumed after dinner.
Hb level measured using cyanmethemoglobin method. Data was analyzed using
Paired Test, Anova One Way, and Kruskall Wallis. The research result showed
increasing of Hb level post supplementation in control group was 10,41 ± 0,62 g% to
10,59 ± 0,64 g%, the treatment group 1 was 10,16 ± 0,62 g% to 10,95 ± 1,00 g%,
and the treatment group 2 was 10,19 ± 0,46 g% to 10,97 ± 0,73 g%. The analized
with Paired Test showed highly significant difference of Hb level in pretest and post
test each group with p value in all group showed p<0,05, but the result showed not
significant difference of Hb level post supplementations between three group with p
value showed p>0,05. Considering zinc supplementation can influence to risen Hb
level and so suggested TTD supplementation program always gived pregnant
womans accompanied by zinc supplementation alternately. Besides, always notice
nutrient consumption factor for pregnancy both on quality and quantity.
Keywords : Anaemia, Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD), Zinc, Vitamin A, Pregnant
Latar Belakang
Gizi merupakan salah satu
penentu kualitas sumber daya
manusia. Kekurangan gizi akan
menyebabkan kegagalan
pertumbuhan fisik dan perkembangan
kecerdasan, menurunkan
produktivitas kerja dan menurunkan
daya tahan tubuh, yang berakibat
meningkatnya angka kesakitan dan
selanjutnya lihat disini
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